
You have 2 hourglasses, a 7-minute timer and a 11-minute timer.

How do you use these to time 15 minutes?

Follow these steps:

Time (minutes) Action
0 Start both timers.
7 When the 7-minute timer finishes turn it upside-down.
11 When the 11-minute timer finishes turn, turn the 7-minute timer upside-down. At this point it has 4 minutes of sand at the top.
15 When the 7-minute timer finishes, you are done.

Note, that this assumes that a half-finished timer will measure the same time when turned upside-down. This may not be true in physical systems. (For real hourglasses with sand, this is going to be accurate enough).

To solve the puzzle without this assumption, set-up 7 minutes before you need to start timing:

Time (minutes) Action
-7 Start both timers.
0 When the 7-minute timer finishes, your time starts.
4 When the 11-minute timer finishes, turn it upside-down.
15 When the 11-minute timer finishes again, you are done.