Friends at a party

There is a party with a large number of people. Some people at the party are friends, some aren’t. All friendships are mutual.

Number of friends

Show that there are at least two people at the party who have the same number of friends.

Let \(n\) be the number of people at the party.

Since no one can be friends with themselves, everyone has between 0 and \(n-1\) friends.

If someone has \(n-1\) friends then that person is friends with everyone else, so no one can have 0 friends.

Likewise if someone has 0 friends, no one can have \(n-1\) friends (be friends with everyone).

Thus there are \(n-1\) possible numbers of friends and \(n\) people, so by the pigeon-hole principal, at least two people have the same number of friends.

Mutual friends

Now show that any group of six people contains either 3 mutual friends or 3 mutual strangers.

Imagine the 6 people. Of them, some person \(X\) either has at least 3 friends among the other 5, or at least 3 strangers.

If \(X\) has at least three friends, then either:

  • The 3 of them are all mutual strangers.
  • At least 2 of them are friends. Then the these 2 and \(X\) are all mutual friends.

Both of these satisfy the condition.

If \(X\) has at least three strangers, then either:

  • The 3 of them are all mutual friends.
  • At least 2 of them are strangers. Then the these 2 and \(X\) are all mutual strangers.

Both of these also satisfy the condition.

General case

In general, if we require there be either a group of \(a\) mutual strangers or \(b\) mutual friends then the minimum sized group of people required is called the Ramsey number: \(R(a,b)\). The case explored in this problem is \(R(3,3) = 6\).